Friday, June 20, 2008


This week is VBS at Lake Pointe. Since this is my first year to experience VBS here, I was told numerous times that it can be a wild ride. I thought I was prepared, but words and even video can't convey the feel of over 2000 kids going crazy. VBS is also a great time for our media team to give kids a chance to jump in and be involved. Most of our camera ops, graphics, TD, and producers for the week are teenagers or younger. We have found they love doing it in "the big room" and we sometimes end up with long term volunteers for our weekend services.

[RSS Readers Hi-Def Flash Video]

Lake Pointe VBS from JasonCole on Vimeo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you are paying royalties to Paul for using his song in the video wall setup video right? He does own the copyright and all now... Sweet VBS video. And i couldnt help but notice, YOU DIDNT PUT ALL THE KIDS ON THE STAGE AT THE SAME TIME!!! WHAT A REVELATION!!.... Sorry, Chlidrens min is driving me crazy....

6/23/2008 10:24:00 AM  

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