Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sermon Video

We have started putting video of our messages on our website. You can see the video here, just click the link for the "Seasons of Life" series. There are some limitations on the media player that I'm not thrilled about at this point, as well as a little bug that I have reported already. Our website is actually just a database. All the pages are created dynamically and set to you. There are no static pages anywhere on the site. Because of this, we have to use the media player built by the hosting company. I would like the video to have some sizing options. Right now I'm stuck with the size of the media player. The other limitation is that it has to be a Flash video file. I would like to be able to use Windows Media format. It would just be nice to be able to do the video in real time with the Windows Media Encoder as per Jason Powell's instructions. It would certainly save me time and effort to render it in Flash as I have to do now.
I am glad to be able to provide the video for everyone to enjoy even in its current form. It certainly makes it more compelling to see what is happening as well as hear it. We use a good bit of video during our messages and had a number of requests for the video of the message so those online could get the all the visuals. Now if I can just get some money to buy some more cameras it will help to make it more engaging.

BTW, I just want to plug my friend Byron's blog. His last 2 posts are things that all church leaders should read. You can get them here and here. Byron continues to inspire me to rethink why we do church.


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